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Lenore Hart is core faculty at the Ossabaw Island Writers Retreat near Savannah. There are retreats each spring and fall. Ossabaw is a beautiful, unspoiled wildlife sanctuary-island whose sandy trails are lined with palms, moss-draped oaks, and palmettos. Visitors may glimpse wild hogs, deer, alligators, egrets and other waterfowl, and feed friendly Scilian donkeys. Meals, discussion panels, and writing workshops take place in The Lodge, a spacious 19th-Century house with broad verandas. For more information click on the picture above.


She has also led the ESO Writing Workshop in Belle Haven, Virginia for over 25 years now.  That workshop meets weekly and has produced many successfully published writers in various genres.


For upcoming signings, talks, lectures, plays, and other appearances see her Facebook author page, @LenoreHartAuthor.